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World Friends Korea ICT Volunteer Program

We dispatch the World Friends Korea ICT Volunteers composed of students and ICT experts of Korea to different parts of the world to provide ICT education and carry out projects.

The World Friends Korea ICT Volunteers is contributing to enhancing the ICT competency of partner countries and bridging the global information gap through manpower exchange. The Group's work is reinforcing the image of Korea as an ICT powerhouse and cultivating the global mindset in young ICT talents in Korea.
The Volunteer Team & Their Activity
ICT volunteer activities are mainly divided into two types :

ICT volunteer activities are mainly divided into two types :
Short Term Medium Term
Composition Mainly composed of university students Individual ICT expert
Period 1 month 3 months
Details of Activity
  • Provide customized ICT education, skills training on Microsoft Office, Photoshop, website building, Android, etc.
  • Participate in ICT-related volunteering activities
  • Share cultural exchange with the local communities in areas of K-pop, art, food and etc.
  • Provide advanced ICT training in need of systematic and high quality ICT education such as web programming, network management, web design and various software programs from basic to an advanced level.
  • Work with public agencies, local companies, or schools in partner countries to implement ICT projects on database, network, security, etc.
  • Consult in certain ICT field and specifically customized to the need of a local organization

KIV also shares cultural exchange with local communities in the area of Korean music, art, language, food, sports and so on.


NIA has sent over 8,000 World Friends ICT Volunteers to 74 countries in Asia, Middle East, CIS, Europe, Latin America, and Africa since 2001. Approximately 400,000 people in government departments, public institutions and universities of partner countries have received ICT training.

World Friends ICT Volunteers have implemented a number of sustainable projects such as developing the intranet page for Lao Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Communications and official website for Senate of Cambodia and e-learning content for Guatemalan police. In 2017, Volunteers established an automatic water supply adjustment system using Arduino in Nelson Mandela University, Tanzania.

Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission(MCMC) has benchmarked World Friends ICT Volunteers program and launched the Malaysian ICT Volunteers(MIV) in 2016, Malaysia. MIV is making a huge contribution to bridging the local digital gap in Malaysia.

World Friends ICT Volunteers are drawing keen attention from partner countries, more than 1,700 media reports have made in Korea and partner countries and 1,500 letters of appreciation were received since 2001.

Number of Volunteers Dispatched

Number of Volunteers Dispatched
Year '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 Total
Countries 20 27 42 32 33 29 36 41 18 22 22 24 30 24 21 21 21 23 21 8 11 15 24 74*
Teams 61 47 87 75 86 80 87 117 130 138 153 140 138 138 141 138 114 107 82 10 23 30 52 2,171
Volunteers 175 206 345 300 320 304 323 442 481 548 612 550 552 552 564 561 446 441 409 30 94 170 208 8,633

*total accumulated countries

A Total of 74 Countries since 2001

A Total of 74 Countries since 2001
Asia CIS & Europe South and Central Amercia Middle East and Africa
1 Nepal 227 19 Romania 40 32 Dominica 49 50 Ghana 131
2 East Timor 36 20 Bulgaria 82 33 Guatemala 163 51 Nigeria 16
3 Laos 340 21 Czech Republic 4 34 Mexico 8 52 South Africa 44
4 Malaysia 67 22 Poland 12 35 Brazil 25 53 Rwanda 32
5 Mongolia 434 23 Russia 65 36 Belize 4 54 Morocco 111
6 Myanmar 4 24 Azerbaijan 12 37 Bolivia 32 55 Mauritius 4
7 Bangladesh 247 25 Uzbekistan 308 38 Suriname 4 56 Mauritania 4
8 Vietnam 674 26 Ukraine 38 39 Argentina 26 57 Mozambique 28
9 Bhutan 4 27 Kazakhstan 149 40 Costa Rica 44 58 Burundi 4
10 Sri Lanka 247 28 Kyrgyzstan 104 41 Panama 63 59 Senegal 20
11 Afghanistan 4 29 Tajikistan 69 42 Paraguay 116 60 Sudan 4
12 India 50 30 Moldova 104 43 Chile 20 61 Swaziland 3
13 Indonsia 738 31 Georgia 8 44 Peru 87 62 Algeria 25
14 China 248 45 Colombia 40 63 Ethiopia 124
15 Cambodia 453 46 Grenada 4 64 Uganda 16
16 Thailand 286 47 El Salvador 16 65 Egypt 36
17 Pakistan 16 48 Ecuador 64 66 Zimbabwe 12
18 Philippines 409 49 Honduras 36 67 Cameroon 12
68 Kenya 72
69 Tanzania 55
70 Tunisia 46
71 Yemen 4
72 Turkey 56
73 Jordan 150
74 Madagascar 8