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"Sharing the Best Insightful Knowledge for Digital Government and National ICT Development"
Korea-Indonesia Bilateral Ministerial Meeting 2022 Digital Government Policy Management Course 2022 UNDP-ACSH Joint Workshop in Korea

Global Academy

The Global Academy of the National Information Society Agency (NIA) was established in 2013 to provide professional training courses with the aim to share Korea's experience in ICT and Digital Government policy with the world. The Global Academy plans and operates professional training courses to enhance the ICT/Digital Government policy capabilities of overseas high-ranking government officials and experts.

Key Objectives

To deliver professional knowledge on Digital Government/ICT
To strengthen cooperation with partner countries and international organizations
To improve the expertise of human resources

What We Offer

Global Academy organizes the Korean Digital Government Capacity Building Program to share experiences of operating Digital Government with governmental authorities from countries around the world, who share a vision of innovative administration through the Digital Government. In this regard, we invite government officials in charge of the sector to Korea and share knowledge and know-hows.

Invitational Program
  • Participants : Policy Makers engaged in Digital Government sector of government bodies in developing countries
  • Program Objective : To invite policy-makers of developing countries to Korea and provide the best practices and know-hows of Korea accumulated in the process of Digital Government establishment and service implementation
  • Contents : The Global Academy operates the fully government funded program that invites high-level government officials of partner countries to share the experiences of Digital Government establishment and ICT development. The program consists of lectures, study visits and seminar on Korea Digital Government strategies, major policies and services etc.
  • Curriculum (Example)
    Curriculum (Example)
    Day Category Program
    Day1 Event Orientation, and Welcoming Ceremony
    Lecture Korea’s Digital Government Masterplan
    Study Visit National Information Resources Service, Digital Government Exhibition Hall
    Day2 Lecture Digital Government Standard Framework
    Korea’s Digital Government Cyber Security
    Seminar Financing Strategies for Digital Government Projects
    Day3 Study Visit SAMSUNG SDS, LG CNS, NAVER, KISA, etc.
    Workshop Programming for Development : Developing a Project Concept Paper
    Day4 Lecture Key Strategies for the Implementation of Digital Platform Government
    Open Government Data Policies and Practices in Korea
    Day5 Seminar Country Report and PCP Presentation
    Event Closing Ceremony
    Cultural Experience Cheongwadae, Blue House

    Example Image
    Lecture on Cloud Overview and Application Strategies, Prof. Lee Young Kon Country Report from UNDP-ACSH Joint Workshop in Korea, Azerbaijan
    Lecture Seminar
    Study Visit to NAVER, 2022 Digital Government Policy Management Course Project Concept Paper Assessment and Workshop for Modification
    Study Visit Workshop

Customized Program
  • Participants : Government officials from Digital Government/ICT-related ministries in developing countries
  • Program Objective : To provide a country-customized program by analyzing the status of ICT development and requirements of Digital Government in developing countries
  • Contents : The customized program schedule and contents will be decided based on the agreement between the Global Academy and partner countries. Sample of contents is as follows:
Category Contents
  • Digital Government Policy and Best Practices
  • Digital Government Master Plan
  • Digital Government Standard Framework
  • Digital Government Performance Management
  • Digital Transformation in Government
  • Seminar on Digital Government Status of participating countries with Experts
  • Seminar on Digital Government Project
Study Visit
  • Visits to Digital Government Service Providers(Public Organizations)
  • Participation in Academic Seminars and Conferences on Digital Government
  • Welcoming & Closing Ceremony
  • Korean Cultural Experience
  • Meeting with Korean Government Officials in charge of Digital Government
  • Business Meeting with Korean ICT Companies

Outreach Program(Korea Digital Government Knowledge Sharing Program)
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MoIS) and National Information Society Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Korea have annually organized ‘Korea Digital Government Knowledge Sharing Program since 2008. This program is designed to provide government officials and many experts an opportunity to participate in knowledge exchange with the Korean officials and experts in a participating country. The outreach program is operated in the form of open forums to share the state of Digital Government policy between Korea and developing countries, and to discuss cooperation measures.

<Program Overview>
  • Participants : Government officials from Digital Government/ICT-related ministries in a participating country
  • Program Objective : To share current Digital Government status of Korea and partner countries, and details of Korea Digital Government strategy, the best practices of Digital Government service as well as how to overcome the challenges in Digital Government development
  • Contents : Theme will be selected based on the request of the partner countries in order to enable the countries to better reflect their own circumstances and issues. Moreover, presentations will be delivered by experts of each topic, such as government representatives, professors, and those from public agencies of Korea that are in charge of Digital Government service. Along with the program, bilateral meetings for future mutual cooperation will be held if it is requested by the partner countries.

Example Image
2022 Digital Government Cooperation Forum in Laos Ministerial Bilateral Meeting between Korea and ACSH
Open Forum Bilateral Meeting


[Invitational/Outreach program] Number of participants/participating countries by year(Based on the last 8 years)
'16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 Total
No. of Participants 851 683 457 661 767 1,116 1,065 513 6,113
No. of Countries 53 43 45 41 70 66 47 45 146

Cooperation Partners

Cooperation Partners – ITU, World Bank, IDB, AfDB, WeGO, UNDP, KOICA, EXIM, UNESCAP, BSEC, ACSH